Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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Have general questions about Firestone Airide Automotive Aftermarket (Ride-Rite)? Check out the answers to questions from our most popular topics, such as where to buy products, kit fitment, air pressure, inflation, longevity or how kits will perform under certain conditions.

General FAQ

A: Most quality truck and RV accessory shops carry our products. You can also find local retailers in Where to Buy.

A: No. Airide Automotive Aftermarket (Ride-Rite) kits are designed to work in the original suspension height and configuration. Changes to height can hurt performance or cause parts to be stretched or compressed beyond their capabilities, resulting in premature failure.

A: Absolutely not. Only the vehicle manufacturer can set the GVWR. Even with the air springs, you have the same brakes, axles, bearings and frame stiffness, which in part determines the vehicle’s load capability. Ride-Rite air springs simply allow you to carry the maximum capacity of your truck more comfortably and without suspension sag or the poor handling that comes with it.

A: The life expectancy depends on a variety of factors, including heat, environmental conditions and how hard you drive your vehicle. Due to our superior construction and rubber compounds, which are the same as we use on our Airide commercial vehicle air springs, it is not unusual to see the Firestone air springs last for 4 or 5 years. When they weather-check (or dry-rot), like a tire, they need to be replaced.

A: The air helper spring its mainly help loaded rides. If your vehicle rides like a log wagon when empty, it will still be fairly rough with air helper spring kits.

A: We have spacer kits for lifted applications. Please see our guide to fitting your lifted vehicle to fitting your lifted vehicle.

A: Commercial vehicle shops carry DOT-rated tubing, or you can order them from your local retailer. Click here to identify the part number.

A: It depends on the failure mode. If it’s a manufacturing defect, we’ll stand behind our product. If it’s due to misuse or application, such as over-extended, rubbing other parts, too much pressure, or other suspension design or fabrication issues, then we can’t cover the air spring.

A: No. We do not sell direct. For retail locations near you, please visit Where to Buy.

Technical FAQ

A: No. Firestone air springs use technology from our heavy truck Airide springs and can withstand thousands of pounds of pulling force without damage.

A: No. The kit comes with two inflation valves, one for each side of the vehicle. The inflation valves are the same as are used on a tire. When you check your tires monthly, check your air spring pressure as well. You can add air using any means you would use to inflate your tires. Your local Firestone Tire and Service center provides free compressed air to their customers.

A: No. Firestone compressors are oil-free and can be mounted in any direction.

A: In our experience, intermittent use of our systems and how they’re operated do not necessitate an air dryer. We recommend building loops into the air lines to act as traps for moisture so water does not flow back into the compressor head. See the installation guide for examples.

A: Generally, over-inflating by one PSI will not damage your air springs.

A: Yes. Our air springs are designed and tested to withstand the roughest conditions. They will withstand pressure spikes from driving over large bumps and uneven terrain.

A: Yes, but adding a “T” fitting will not allow you to level side to side and will allow air to go from one side to the other, sacrificing some of the stability that the air helper spring kit adds. Firestone does not include "T" fittings in most kits for this reason.

A: Push the air line toward the body of the fitting. This will also force the collett, or collar, of the air fitting toward the fitting body. Hold the collett against the fitting, using a 5/16" open end wrench, and then pull the air line out after the collett releases the air line.

A: Mix a solution of soap and water (about 1/5 liquid soap to 4/5 water) and spray it on the air line fittings, air spring, and compressor body and head (if you have an air compressor). If the fittings are leaking at the threads, tighten them or apply thread sealant. If the fitting is leaking at the air line, remove the air line, re-cut it squarely and re-insert. If the air spring is leaking, send a picture to to see if it is covered under warranty.